Start your own business in classical music

Creating a Thriving Private Music Studio.

  • Establishing a studio:

Location, equipment, speciality (adults, pre-school, etc.).

  • Identify your goals and aspirations.
  • Identify your business:

Sole Proprietor: No governmental registration of your business. Report teaching income and expenses to the IRS on a Schedule C (included with 1040 forms). OR:

LLC(Limited Liability Company). This protects your personal assets from potential lawsuits.

  • Create a simple studio policy: on line and hard copy.
  • Recruit students through neighbor schools, churches, Craig’s List, Pin Tack, Local Music Stores, Local Piano Teacher Associations.
  • Develop a culture of excellence in your studio. Create a regular studio classes, recitals, exposure to great artists and recitals, Studio Projects, Themed Recitals.
  • Thoughtful Repertoire assignments that include technique, etudes, all historic periods.
  • Students should bring a notebook to each lesson so that the weekly assignment is easy to access. Lessons should be attended by parents for the elementary aged students. All lessons should be video recorded.
  • Involvement with local teacher associations. Enter students in all of the events that are provided.
  • Annual student evaluation through Royal Conservatory, Federation of Music Clubs, Michigan Music Teachers Association Achievement Testing, National Guild Auditions, etc.
  • Prepare students for success in performance and evaluations through organized practice directives and carefully chosen repertoire.
  • Offer Recommendations for inspiring summer camps and programs.
  • Continue to practice, perform, and grow. Attend local, state, and national conferences as opportunities for learning as well as networking.
  • Be yourself!



Mary Siciliano

Mary Siciliano

Mary Siciliano has an award-winning private piano studio. She has also taught at Oakland University, Madonna University, Schoolcraft College, and the University of Michigan.

  1. Shanda Debenham says

    I found Creating a Thriving Private Music Studio. very educational.

    I want to share with you how my children learned to love the piano:
    Kisses!! 🙂

    1. MML2019 says

      Thank you for sharing!

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