Build and Maintain your private Studio
Music Business: Learn how to recruit students and run your private studio as a business.
The Business section at Music Master Lab focuses on being an independent classical musician. You can read articles on how to build and maintain a private studio, find performance opportunities for your students and yourself, and manage day to day business operations.
At age thirty three I realized that I will be a full time private music teacher and an independent performer of classical music. I had a Doctoral Degree in piano performance, but not a real opportunity to work as a full time faculty in a university. I recognized a major deficiencies in my knowledge and skills on starting my own professional career.
I wished I would have taken some relevant classes in college on how to be a small business owner, how to do your own marketing, the importance of networking, and much more. Suddenly I realized that I had to switch from being a classical musician to being an entrepreneur running a small business operation with multiple tasks on my hands.
The Business section is here to help you find the most efficient ways in making living as an independent classical musician.

Surviving as a freelance musicians in New York City during COVID19
As the COVID19 Pandemic continues to unfold, the world of freelancing has had to quickly adjust! Added precautions need to be put into place and

Recording for a classical music competition
When recording for a competition, the sound quality is more important than many musicians realize. Capturing high-quality sound not only ensures the best-produced version of

Placing microphones for classical music recording
Once you have a microphone suited to your recording needs, you have to figure out where to put it to get a good sound. Where

Affordable Microphones for Classical Music Recording
These days, we’re less reliant on the big bad microphone with all the fancy recording capabilities and that clear sound only studios can capture. Nowadays,

Tips for Improving Recording Quality on a Budget
Making a good recording for a competition or sample is not complicated. You don’t have to be an audio engineer or even an audio aficionado

How to give online music lessons
Eight years ago I was asked to give some make-up lessons online. I had no idea how but I agreed and learned on the job.

Should Musicians Perform for Free?
Let us face it, all musicians know this dilemma. You can read the heated debates in the Internet, listen to the emotional talks between musicians,

Starting a Music Studio
As nobody can afford to pick and choose when starting the studio, it’s important to realize that you are going to be ready to teach

Open Ear Headphones for practicing with a recording.
During this Coronavirus outbreak a lot of musicians are struggling without the ability to play with each other and enjoy music in a chamber setting.

Guide to setting up your studio for online music lessons.
This video provides a technical description of how I teach music lessons online. I am also attaching a written guide to displaying your iPhone

Spreadsheet for tracking your income, payments, and mileage.
Feel free to download this spreadsheet. I use this document to track my actual income, payments, and mileage. Let me know if you have any

Estimating your income from private music lessons
When you start building your private studio it can be hard to estimate how many students you will need in order to provide enough income.

Piano lesson plans for beginners
There are many different piano lesson plans for beginners. Each method and plans has its advantages. The main goal is for a child to learn

Setting Rates for Music Lessons.
One of the essential tasks when starting a private studio is to decide on the rate you will be charging for the lessons. It will

Running a Succesful Private Music Studio.
In this article, I would like to share some of my experiences in maintaining a thriving private studio. My best recruiting and motivational tool is

Recruiting New Private Music Students.
The amount of information about promoting your business sometimes can be overwhelming. I would strongly suggest at least trying one or two advertising methods first.

Creating a Thriving Private Music Studio.
Establishing a studio: Location, equipment, speciality (adults, pre-school, etc.). Identify your goals and aspirations. Identify your business: Sole Proprietor: No governmental registration of your business.

How to Pick a Private Music Studio Location.
There are many options for where to teach private lessons. You can instruct at your home, rent a studio, work at a music store, or