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Efficient Practicing Template

  1. Efficient Practicing Strategies:
  2. Create a repertoire list with deadlines
  3. Assess repertoire difficulty and prioritize newest/most difficult pieces
  4. Create a detailed daily practice schedule based on your time limit and your goals (see

    template below)

  5. Slow practice on small, difficult sections will always prove to be more beneficial than

    running through sections you already feel comfortable playing

Daily Check-Ins:

  • Am I hydrated and have I eaten enough/well?
  • Do I feel well-rested?
  • Do I feel anxious, stressed or overwhelmed? If the answer is yes, write down the


  • If I am in pain, have I seen a doctor and talked to my teacher?
  • Am I being kind to myself?

    Additional Reminders:

    • Repeat this hour-long cycle each time you practice, being sure to include physical warm-

      ups each time you re-enter the practice room throughout the day

    • Always have a detailed plan of exactly what you wish to accomplish for efficiency
    • Always record yourself and listen back. This helps you become your own best teacher

      and also gives you a physical break while you are listening

    • This template can be altered to fit your needs, but be sure to include a 5-minute break

      every 15-20 minutes of practice time

    • Don’t underestimate the power of mental practicing, score study and listening to

      recordings, especially if you are injured

    • Stay positive, even if you are having a bad day. Trust your process and be kind to





Efficient Practicing Template by @playingwithoutpain

Repertoire List in Priority Order:







Physical Warm-Up (5 Minutes): Slow arm circles, work with exercise bands, shoulder/arm/neck stretches, running in place, etc.

Musical Warm-Up (10 Minutes):

– 5 Minute Break –
Detailed Repertoire Practice (15 Minutes):

– 5 Minute Break –
Additional Detailed Repertoire Practice (15 Minutes):

Under Tempo Run-Through (5 Minutes)

Feel free to Download as a file Here 



Francesca Leo

Francesca Leo

Francesca Leo is currently pursuing a master's degree in Classical Flute Performance at the Manhattan School of Music. Her primary teachers include Linda Chesis, Conor Nelson and Jeffrey Zook. For more information, please visit Francesca is the founder of award-winning performing arts health website

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